Kits Beach and Vanier Park

Spring seems to come early in Vancouver. Last weekend we were outside all day (with what seemed to be the entire city), and walked along the edge of the water. The sun was at a low angle all day; bright and warm (unusual for us to experience at this time of year) and completely enthralling. We walked through natural phenomenon and artistic sculptures; all new attractions to us all.

Hayley and I walked along the rocky beach that is just off of Trafalgar, 6 blocks from our house. Several homes have steep steps that lead down the hillside to the beach, all viewing out to the docks. In the distance you can see the Mountains to the North and downtown across the water.

The outdoor pool that opens seasonally on Kitsilano beach.

Throughout the park, we cam across different sculptures, ranging from the well known Totems to modern sculptures of different kinds of steel. The park itself was drenched and extremely muddy, but we walked through anyway, sacrifices our socks and shoes, in order to take a closer look at the many attractions scattered along the edge of the water and the park.

Close to the Burrard Street Bridge in the early evening,
this is a view to downtown over a part of English Bay.

Posted byPiper at 1:58 AM  


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